1. an imperfect brick wall
a. position couple in front of wall, awkwardly holding hands and standing apart from each other
b. position couple in front of wall at a great distance so that they can't touch each other even if they tried. (note: the number of feet between them is symbolic of the number of months they've known each other and/or have dated. sometimes it's the same thing)
2. a unique doorway
a. alter the colors of the photograph until the subjects' skin looks orange
b. have the couple kiss in the doorway, reminiscent of their first kiss at her doorstep (which transpired 3 days ago)
3. tips for headshots
a. tilt the camera to exaggerate the angle...further...fuuuurther. you know it's right when you can't tell whether this photo is supposed to be in portrait or landscape format.
b. ask lady to mount her fiance (i believe the vernacular for this position is "piggyback"). zoom in for a headshot.
c. for good measure, zoom out for a full body shot. at all costs make the girl look fat.
4. the ring must be visible in 75% of all photographs...or more. even if the ring is absolutely unimpressive and made of c.z.
5. action shots are the best. kissing and laughing are the real moneymakers.
6. abstract shots of miscellaneous body parts add an artistic edge to the portfolio (shoes/feet highly recommended)
7. if there is a railroad within an hour's drive of the shooting site, find it.
a. have the couple walk on the tracks into the sunset. not by the tracks or across the tracks, but down the tracks--like in the direction a train would possibly be moving.
b. make sure they signed the waiver.
8. desaturate any sub-par photographs to either black and white or sepia tone. your clients will think they're the best, most "artsy" shots, and completely overlook the fact that his eyes are closed
9. the man must wear a collared shirt
10. position the lady and gentleman on either side of the tree.
a. have the couple play peek-a-boo, this inevitably results in a chase around the tree. action shots! be ready!
b. note: use a really big tree
11. please require the lady to wear an undershirt so as to avoid any embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions
a. i.e. bare midriff
b. if she insists on wearing a dress, it must be mid-calf length. check out the sister missionary mall for some super cute choices in all variety of colors and prints